Top Tabs

This section can be used when there are more than one or two collections in the homepage, such as GMA TV, GMA 3 and Holiday Deals. Each button is supposed to scroll down to the corresponding section. To achieve this, add the Section called "id" right above each collection section, and write a unique name (id), then point each button of this Tabs Section to each of those ids.

40Boxes Banner

There are two different layouts (one is this, and the other is similar to the section below), and up to 3 products can be featured.

40Boxes Banner Img

There are two different layouts (one is this, and the other is similar to the section above), and you can add 1 image that includes the image, text and logos, or whatever you need (the 40boxes tagline and logo are part of the section, the image that can be changed is what you see in between).

Short Message Banner

The size, background color and text color can be edited.

Deals are sold directly by each brand. Carts can not be combined.

Cross Mastersites CTA

You can choose between the layouts of GMA/VYD/LSS/SRR/DD, and change the text. The colors are pre-defined in the section depending on which show you choose (to be on-brand), they can't be changed. The logos of each segment can be edited through the Theme Settings.

Banner #1

The colors, logo, title, text, button and url can be edited through the Customizer.

Want more deals?
Click here for our sister site!

Banner #2

The floating icon in the background, the colors, logo, title, text, button and url can be edited through the Customizer.

Want more deals?
Click here for our sister site!

Banner #3

The texts, link and colors can be edited through the Customizer. You can pick a collection that contains the brands of the logos that you need to display, or paste a custom html with the logos (that you can generate on other master-site).

Mother's Day Special
Shop Now

Banner #4

The texts, link and colors can be edited through the Customizer. You can pick a collection that contains the brands of the logos that you need to display, or paste a custom html with the logos (that you can generate on other master-site).

Mother's Day Special
Shop Now
Shop Now

Banner #5

The background image and link can be edited through the Customizer. The coordinates (position) of the glitter stars are hardcoded (they can be edited through the code of the Section).

Banner Image

The image and link can be edited through the Customizer.

Ribbon Banner

Separator. The title and colors can be edited through the Customizer.

Lorem ipsum

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet adipiscing elit

Collection - Brands Logos

You can select the collection that contains the brands of the logos that you need to display. The logos will be displayed in alphabetical order.


Simply select the collection that you want to display. Show or hide the Title, change the background and text colors of the title, use the title of the collection or add a custom one.

No products found in this collection

Collection Multi

Select the collections as Blocks, or pick a Navigation/Menu from the backend of Shopify that contains a list of Collections. Change the size and color of the tabs.

Sale Ended

The text/ribbon color and the text/date can be edited.

See you Thursday

- December 26th -

for all-new exclusive deals!

Extended Offer Button

Change the colors and text. Whatever information entered to this form will be stored in systems under the store called "gma-deals".